The Dream…

I dream often, to the point where I feel like it’s reality. I guess you can say I’m a vivid dreamer, although a lover once stole all my dreams and gave me peace of mind for many nights. Yet I wonder what if those dreams are parallel worlds? Different worlds that are constantly there but unknown to us during our waking hours.

In my dream world, I see people from my past, present, and future. It’s a symbiosis of worlds. They sometimes clash like a falling star from above but they always create a constellation of magical expressions. My dreams are not always happy and intense sometimes they are mellow and without any particular direction. At times they seem prophetic – I seem to know the future before it’s ever occurred and I wake up with glossy eyes. It might seem nonsensical to people and most of the time they are completely chaotic. I might be falling from a cliff and then lay next to a person I haven’t known since I was seven years old.

Yet the most amazing thing about dreams is the creation of these different worlds. Many mornings I wake up from a deep sleep and I have these great ideas. It’s as if I was touched by Midas and have these golden ideas. I seemingly pick them from these enchanted trees in the world of dreams and for that particular reason, I believe my particular dream last night is worthy of this post.

All love,

miss x

Spicy sauce on a Hot Sunday.

I love southern black culture, its rawness and its cultural legacy is too immense to truly be captured in words because it’s a feeling, like a spicy sauce with many layers, some might say. The ever beating drum of the African ancestors is always present in its people, but this conversation I recently had, took me back some years ago and I didn’t capture it in written words back then, but here’s a short story from a hot Sunday in New Orleans.


His old grandfather or “pops” took me to the side one day and said with his strong New Orleans accent, “now Maru, we need to take you out for a spin! Can’t be trapped all day with this sprung boy.” and I was like “sure, let’s go” and as we travel down the streets of New Orleans in his car, he starts telling me about his sweet past, “but don’t you tell my grandson this, he won’t like this, he’s already too attached to his grandmother. That boy is something else, I tell yah” and I shyly nodded… and he continues ”this one right here, the one we are picking up today, I loved her, she used to be a fine little thing, back then, but we are only friends and she makes the best pecan pie” and at this point, I’m just listening and taking it all in because I knew I’d never quite experience this again. On the sidewalk walks this old but pretty lady with big shiny eyes, dressed in her best church clothes and a big hat and looks straight at me “oooh, hi baby! How you doing?” in that familiar warm accent “Thanks, I’m doing alright and you?” and she says” oh this is a blessed day, dear one… you sure are a pretty one, guess the old man wasn’t lying after all” and I didn’t know what to say, but just smiled back at her, while they continuously made me laugh as they reminisced on the hardships in life during the 50s and old friends that had passed away.

For all it’s worth, he never liked me telling these stories to him because his image had been slightly tainted because his grandfather had never told him these stories first. On a personal note, his “pops” changed me forever, he gave me the grandfather figure I never had while growing up (my own had passed away early in life) and told me stories, that sometimes sounded more like blues tales than reality, but whatever the case was, they felt real. With this story, however, I also want to say that if there’s money in the United States for this Corona Virus pandemic, surely, they can find monetary resources for reparations for black people in America. I truly believe in all my heart that the USA has not dealt with its cruelty against its black people. The generation of his grandfather (and grandmother) survived Jim Crow, racist laws that were detrimental to the black community. Still through this, they survived and thrived culturally. At a different time, I might write about my connection to Louisiana, but that’s not today. Be safe yall and wash your hands lol!

-Miss X

the silent voice…

My grandmother passed away some days ago and I’m dealing with a silent voice in my head. The first few days I cried. This came right after my cousins passing three weeks ago, so death has been a current life event, these past 6 weeks and I was not prepared for any of it. I also hear things more vividly in my dreams. Sometimes, it’s like I’m watching the movie of my life and I’m the director, shouting lines at myself (as the actress) and other participants. I used to be a heavy believer of telepathy, in some regards, I still do believe in it because before the passing of my cousin and grandmother, I had some dreams of them and I never do. But in all of this silent, one voice echoes more, the one who said, he’d always be there for me… Yes, I know, past lovers, are cut out and instantly become a memory of the past, yet it feels strange to not receive that message… “I’m sorry for your loss”… It doesn’t create anything, but we both believed we had a telepathic relationship, I suppose, it was all imaginary and based on the emotions of love at that point in life. As I’m writing this, I also know that good things will come to me. My grandmother was an early womanist, as well as a fighter for indigenous and black people’s rights, I didn’t know her very well, because we lived quite far apart, but she was still my grandmother. My cousin was a beautiful soul, she loved animals and was a peaceful person that believed in individuality.

Right now, I can’t shed no more tears… but I hear your silent voices in the night. It lingers on like a melody without an instrument.

-miss x


(I have not checked my grammar because this is how I feel currently.)

Random dream Into Astral projection

So some weeks ago I woke up from this intense dream that left me completely in trance. I’ve had these kind of dreams before but this was different, I could smell the cologne, the buildings, the strong smell from the streets and the conversations they were having. I told my friend about this dream and she basically told me, it was an “astral projection” and that left me even more perplexed. Now, I don’t know about you guys, but I don’t necessarily know what astral projection means. Sure, I watched a movie some months ago that made me interested in the subject, but I wouldn’t even know how to start doing such a thing. Although I’m very much interested in metaphysics and other dimensions, I’m not quite sure that I know what I did. All I know is that I had a dream of my former lover in New York City. I don’t follow this person on any social media, I’m not even sure that they’ve been there in the first place, but what I do know, is that I felt a spiritual presence. I was basically walking next to him and he had on this blue shirt and had long hair. I saw taxis, a lot of movement, strong lights and lots of people. It felt intense and very much real. In the latter part of my dream (which of course I wrote down) I was sitting next to him and could hear the conversation he was having of me with a female friend. It felt surreal to say the least. They were laughing and I knew he was talking about me because she was teasing him about it. All of this could very much mean nothing, but for me, it seems like the universe is trying to tell me something. I’m not quite sure yet because I’ve been having strange dreams as of late. I’m navigating it all to see what may happen. Perhaps they’ll reach out? Who knows. All I know is that I’m buying a book on astral projection very soon…

-miss x



Almost 2020.

In two more weeks I’ll be in Berlin, celebrating the end of a decade and the end of so many different things. I’ll also celebrate the new decade, the growth and the re-birth that I’m creating in 2020. I very much feel that the 2020s will be my decade. If the 2010s was growing up, graduating high school and graduating from college and finally becoming an adult, I feel like this new decade will show me everything that I didn’t know in the 2010s. I’ve been to so many countries, cities and places in this decade that I can’t complain. I’ve done my share of crying, laughing and enjoying life too but as I start the new year, I’m looking for deeper connection, love, money and personal growth like never before. I know these things are coming and my career will become a big focus in my life. I also feel that love is closer to me than ever before. I can almost taste it. It feels like chocolate after months of not eating it or a great song you haven’t heard in a while. It’s exciting and mmm, so delicious. Love is truly beautiful and is inside of us but also in the shape of a relationship. I welcome this new relationship and our new goals in life.

Random: I had the most curious thing happen to me today, as I woke up from a dream of a lover that I haven’t talked to in some months, I noticed a very RANDOM text from a person with the same name and with the message “Twin Shadow!” and to make it even stranger they’re from the same city. It’s very strange indeed. Still not sure how to interpret it. The universe got JOKES! haha love it!

-miss x





Writing as therapy.

I’ve always loved to write but I’ve been more so a storyteller but as I dig deeper into my dreams and self, I’ve also used writing as a therapy. It relaxes me and is something I love doing. I don’t ever force it unless there’s a deadline. I just came back from a trip to Minneapolis with my mom and it was spectacular. I feel so relaxed and have lots of ideas for new creative ideas. This morning I had a dream that seemed strange but somehow familiar. It was about a little fairy that looked native american (like me!) and her love for a lizard that had transformed into a human. It was all very different but very optimistic, as I’m writing this, I feel extremely jet-lagged yet hopeful. Life is good and it can only get better from now on. I’m just being. It feels pretty damn good. Not worried about no outcome or past. Here for the now.

miss x


I’ve been thinking. It’s only 6 months left until the year is over. I’m reflecting. I feel so free in silence. It’s a form of mediation that clears my mind from obstruction. I feel things coming. All those sweet things I created in mind some 8 months ago. I feel more peaceful. I’m molding my future as I’m writing this and it feels so damn good. I’m choosing me. The crystal clear summer jam is silence because it’s bringing me complete freedom of mind. At least for right now, I’m the motherfucking zen, bitch. Things are clearing up and I see my new future.

// miss x