The Dream…

I dream often, to the point where I feel like it’s reality. I guess you can say I’m a vivid dreamer, although a lover once stole all my dreams and gave me peace of mind for many nights. Yet I wonder what if those dreams are parallel worlds? Different worlds that are constantly there but unknown to us during our waking hours.

In my dream world, I see people from my past, present, and future. It’s a symbiosis of worlds. They sometimes clash like a falling star from above but they always create a constellation of magical expressions. My dreams are not always happy and intense sometimes they are mellow and without any particular direction. At times they seem prophetic – I seem to know the future before it’s ever occurred and I wake up with glossy eyes. It might seem nonsensical to people and most of the time they are completely chaotic. I might be falling from a cliff and then lay next to a person I haven’t known since I was seven years old.

Yet the most amazing thing about dreams is the creation of these different worlds. Many mornings I wake up from a deep sleep and I have these great ideas. It’s as if I was touched by Midas and have these golden ideas. I seemingly pick them from these enchanted trees in the world of dreams and for that particular reason, I believe my particular dream last night is worthy of this post.

All love,

miss x

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