The Dream…

I dream often, to the point where I feel like it’s reality. I guess you can say I’m a vivid dreamer, although a lover once stole all my dreams and gave me peace of mind for many nights. Yet I wonder what if those dreams are parallel worlds? Different worlds that are constantly there but unknown to us during our waking hours.

In my dream world, I see people from my past, present, and future. It’s a symbiosis of worlds. They sometimes clash like a falling star from above but they always create a constellation of magical expressions. My dreams are not always happy and intense sometimes they are mellow and without any particular direction. At times they seem prophetic – I seem to know the future before it’s ever occurred and I wake up with glossy eyes. It might seem nonsensical to people and most of the time they are completely chaotic. I might be falling from a cliff and then lay next to a person I haven’t known since I was seven years old.

Yet the most amazing thing about dreams is the creation of these different worlds. Many mornings I wake up from a deep sleep and I have these great ideas. It’s as if I was touched by Midas and have these golden ideas. I seemingly pick them from these enchanted trees in the world of dreams and for that particular reason, I believe my particular dream last night is worthy of this post.

All love,

miss x

Random dream Into Astral projection

So some weeks ago I woke up from this intense dream that left me completely in trance. I’ve had these kind of dreams before but this was different, I could smell the cologne, the buildings, the strong smell from the streets and the conversations they were having. I told my friend about this dream and she basically told me, it was an “astral projection” and that left me even more perplexed. Now, I don’t know about you guys, but I don’t necessarily know what astral projection means. Sure, I watched a movie some months ago that made me interested in the subject, but I wouldn’t even know how to start doing such a thing. Although I’m very much interested in metaphysics and other dimensions, I’m not quite sure that I know what I did. All I know is that I had a dream of my former lover in New York City. I don’t follow this person on any social media, I’m not even sure that they’ve been there in the first place, but what I do know, is that I felt a spiritual presence. I was basically walking next to him and he had on this blue shirt and had long hair. I saw taxis, a lot of movement, strong lights and lots of people. It felt intense and very much real. In the latter part of my dream (which of course I wrote down) I was sitting next to him and could hear the conversation he was having of me with a female friend. It felt surreal to say the least. They were laughing and I knew he was talking about me because she was teasing him about it. All of this could very much mean nothing, but for me, it seems like the universe is trying to tell me something. I’m not quite sure yet because I’ve been having strange dreams as of late. I’m navigating it all to see what may happen. Perhaps they’ll reach out? Who knows. All I know is that I’m buying a book on astral projection very soon…

-miss x



Unfolded realization 1.

Late at night when everyone was sleeping, she turned to him. Although she was not an easily scared person, the monsters inside her head made her stay awake much longer than she needed. Long sleepless nights had turned into a living reality and there was no escaping it. There in the distance, from another continent his voice echoed trust and sincerity while he read a night story to his lover. In the midst of a beautiful dream, she woke up and realized that it was all gone and he would never read another night story again. Fondly she caressed the memories that would stay with her forever.


-miss x 



Red Pumps.


Today I finally got my red Steve Madden pumps and a burden is off my chest. With these heels I shall move mountains to reach my goals, that’s the reason why I bought them in the first place. I’ve never owned a pair of red shoes, because of unknown reasons haha! I’ve had all other types of shoes and colors, but never red so it’s def something exciting about it (I even have pink and mint green shoes lol). I feel like I’m invincible this time around, like there’s nothing that can stop me. It’s crazy how a pair of shoes, can say that much about a person. I feel strong and powerful and the past is there for a reason, because it made me realize who I want to be and more importantly who I want to be with in the future. I’ve shed many tears for the past and rightfully so, because when you have loved someone, it will hurt and it will traumatize your life because you had built expectations and dreams with that person. Those dreams are now gone and my future looks brighter than ever, just the fact that I was willing to sacrifice who I am as a person and willing to change myself to be with someone who wasn’t even  willing to change anything is just crazy. I’ve awaken from a dangerous state of mind that I was never willing to really take, but had much harder time to let go off because of my friendship with that person. These shoes represent:  a willingness to strive for better and to achieve whatever goal I have.  I’m being here for my mother, whom I love so much and is going through some rough moments right now.  But enough with all the girly psychoanalysis and what shoes can tell about your personality and let me enjoy my new shoes :)!


Have a great day!


Listening to Mylo Xyloto Album – Coldplay 

/Miss X 

Running to catch my dreams!


I’m running the fastest I can to catch my dreams, that seemed trapped in my own mind. 

As many of you can already tell, I’m all for motivation and moving forward in your life, I believe that we people put traps in our own minds when we don’t see other solutions, meaning that when we can’t see the solution in front of us, we tend to forget it or try to get rid of it. These shoes are relatively new, I bought them last month but I’ve never worn them because I thought that I didn’t have anything to match them with and of course that couldn’t be further from the truth. I’m a high heel type of girl, very rarely do I use flat shoes but since the age of 17, I’ve been buying different types of Oxford shoes because they look cute and chic, without loosing its femininity.

It also seems that summer has finally arrived to Sweden which means a lot of festivals, sunny days and fun nights out. I’m jealous of my friends though, because one friend is in Senegal and the other in France and I truly love to travel so I feel as if it’s my turn to travel soon, but at the same time I’m going to move to Spain later this year, so I shouldn’t be all anxious about travelling.  

I hope you have a great weekend! 🙂 

Listening to -If I were your woman – Gladys Knight & The Pips (Gladys is such a great vocalist, gosh what a voice!)